Getting “Unstuck”

Do you ever feel stuck? You’ve accomplished something then ask yourself now what? Perhaps you set out to do something but don’t know where to start or you’ve failed at something and can’t figure out where to go from there. We all get stuck every now and again. How we work through this will ultimately determine our success. If we give up every time we hit a roadblock, we would have very little sense of accomplishment in our lives.

There are a variety of reasons why we get stuck. Fear is often a driver. In this Psychology Today article, there is some great insight into fear based “stuckness”, but what if fear is not the driver? Well, here are some things you can do:

1. Reflect

Think about the intention you set when you started the project or initiative. What was the purpose, think deeper into the reason and ask yourself questions that will help you to clarify the intent. Allow yourself to be quiet and calm during this process without interruptions. Often times when you allow yourself to think deeper into the reasoning behind something, the answers will flow.

2. Break It Down

Sometimes the reason we get stuck is because the task at hand is just so overwhelming that we don’t know where to start. The best thing to do in this case is to break it down. Instead of thinking about ways to accomplish the end game, work on the plays that are going to get you there.

3. Take a Break

There is a lot to be said for physical activity. Some of our best ideas and thoughts come to us when we are physically active. Leave your project, take a walk, work out or go for a bike ride or run, whatever it is that gets you active and allows you an opportunity to clear your head. Quite often, this is all it may take for you to get back on track.

4. Collaborate

Often times, talking through your stuckness will help the ideas flow again. Speaking with a co-worker, friend or mentor who may be able to offer some advice or help you find the answers from within are all great resources to help us get through the stuck.

5. Recognize the signs

You’ve blocked off 2 hours in your calendar to work on a project but when the time allotted arrives, you deal with other more “pressing” things, making the excuse that they had to get done when in fact, there was no need to interrupt your scheduled time at all. Then you put it off again. Procrastination is a key indicator of being stuck. In addition stress and other physical or emotional symptoms can appear when you get into this mode. Know what these signs are. The earlier you can identify them, the quicker you can begin dealing with your stuckness and the sooner you will break through by taking action.

6. Gain a new perspective

Get comfortable with being stuck. Think of it as an opportunity to reflect, regroup, repurpose and grow. There are lessons in everything we do. Reflect about what you have learned from being stuck and how you have you grown from it. After gaining this new perspective, the next time you get stuck think about how much easier it will be for you to work through your stuckness! After all, you will be able to identify the signs early on, use the strategies to help you move forward, and you’ll grow even more from each new experience. Perhaps next time, you’re only stuck for 5 minutes instead of 5 hours or 5 days!

If this resonates with you, be sure to pick up a copy of my book YOUR EXTRAORDINARY SELF for more tips on how to #BYBS – be your best self - and always remember #AnythingsPossible


Four Quick Tips to Find More Time in Your Day


Cheers to 25 years!