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Register for the #FWTC Masterclass Now!

When we infuse compassion into our lives, we change the narrative. Instead of living from a place of fear and ego, we shift to BEING from a place of love and interconnectedness. It’s such a simple yet so powerful concept - to be compassionate - yet oftentimes we don’t really truly know what that means or how it looks, sounds and feels. That’s what led me to create this masterclass and to offer it for free for a limited time! If I can help just one person infuse more compassion into their lives, it will emanate from them into the world and touch hundreds, if not thousands of others. That’s the beauty of collective consciousness. One small act of compassion, starting within can literally create a world of change.

This 5 part Masterclass will take you on a journey of understanding by exploring:

  • The difference between sympathy, empathy and compassion

  • Why self-compassion is so important

  • The three pillars of compassion and the things that get in our way

  • What compassion looks sounds and feels like

  • The benefits of infusing more compassion into your lives

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!